Buying a car can seem like a daunting task for most people. It’s a major purchase and generally requires a long-term commitment. Getting financing for a car just adds to that stress and is oftentimes the part of the car-buying process that intimidates most people. The stress of obtaining financing is much worse whenever you’ve got past credit issues and sometimes just the anxiety of submitting a credit application can be enough to make you not want to do it at all.
Have you ever filled out a credit application, whether online or in person at the dealership? Did you hear back from that dealership? Depending on your credit situation it’s likely that you never heard a peep from them. A situation like that forces you to sit back and question what it is about your past that is holding you back from buying a car. Believe it or not, this is extremely common. Sadly, most dealerships do not have the ability to overcome certain credit challenges that many people face.
If you’ve got credit challenges that other dealerships have failed to overcome then you’re in luck! Maple Leaf Motors has partnered with a local lender who has a program that just about anybody can qualify for, regardless of derogatory marks on your credit. In fact, the lending process is so simple that you can see if you qualify by asking yourself 3 simple questions:
Do I have a valid driver’s license?
Do I currently have income?
Have I lived in the area for at least the past year?
…it’s that simple! The credit challenges from your past likely do not matter if you’re able to answer yes to those three questions above. Well, what about a down payment? This lender does not require a large down payment. In fact, some applicants may be approved with no down payment at all!
This is not some fly-by-night company. This local lender was founded in 1922 and operates nearly 30 locations across Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Idaho. With this local lender, and the knowledgeable staff at Maple Leaf Motors, we are confident that we can take the fear out of lending and help ease your worries about yet another rejection.
Fill out an online credit application today so we can help get you back out on the road again!